Monday, 31 January 2011

Don't be afraid of the dark

For those of you who aren't part of Keirth Community Church we now have Sundays where we have ten different speakers speaking for 10 minutes across our three meetings.  They are proving to be fantastic Sundays and it is so good to see not just how many great communicators we seem to have but to see the different walks with God, the different life experiences, the different ages, the different styles and yet the one faith.  Simon our Senior Pastor, remarked again yesterday how privileged we are that this is not just about people having a go but that there is the opportunity for us to hear from God through everyone who speaks.

Anyway, yesterday Janine was one of the ten.  She was indulged slightly and stretched her ten minutes but if you weren't there and would like to hear what she said then you can get the podcast here:

I know I’m biased but there are some powerful words here and, having watched her journey (quite closely), I know there is more she could have said.

Having gone for the Annie Lennox look on Friday, hair loss upped the pace and so today the girl embraced the shorn look with all the grace and beauty you would expect.  If you haven’t seen the picture on Facebook, I’ll include it here.

Blood test tomorrow and then we should be able to confirm Thursday as the start of the second cycle.

1 comment:

Craig Mackay said...

I heard a great message today entitled "Don't be afraid of the dark"....through which God has clearly spoken to me...Thank you! Praying for you all....

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